MOSClip Tutorials
Welcome to MOSClip tutorial series!
MOSClip is an R package that allows performing multi-omic survival analysis exploiting pathway topology.
Start guide
If you are looking for tutorials you are in the right place.
In this section you can find a series of tutorials:
- how to download data from TCGA
- how to format the dataset for MOSClip (Needs functions-to-process-TCGA-data.R in the downloadTCGA directory)
- how to perform a two-class analysis
- how to perform a survival-based analysis
Data availability
You can download the data generated in these tutorials.
- pre-processed ovarian cancer dataset
- reactome pathways (EntrezIDs)
- two-class analysis results
- survival-based analysis results
You can install MOSClip
from Bioconductor.
# Install the package from Bioconductor
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
Paolo Martini, Monica Chiogna, Enrica Calura, and Chiara Romualdi. 2019. “MOSClip: Multi-Omic and Survival Pathway Analysis for the Identification of Survival Associated Gene and Modules.” Nucleic Acids Research 47 (14): e80.